A trip that says go

Huizhou is an important settlement of Hakka people. Ye Ting, Liao Zhongkai and others were born here. Song Dynasty scholar Su Dongpo once lived here. On the banks of the West Lake, you can still feel the melancholy of Su Shi after his exile; at the foot of Luofu Mountain, pilgrims flock in an endless stream; in the ancient villages hidden in the deep mountains, the blue bricks and black tiles reveal a decadent poignant beauty, and the faded carvings are in the afterglow. . It looks more lonely under the light, and has carved the imprint of history; the bay winds and twists in the endless sea, and the beautiful scenery continues the alternation of the four seasons… This is Huizhou, and only when you experience it with your heart will you discover its beauty.

On the afternoon of October 1, 2022, after a two-hour drive, the friends of Dongguan longstargift Co., Ltd.

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. arrived at the destination of this trip – Xunliao Bay, Huizhou.

After arriving at the hotel, go directly to the seaside, the white sandy beach, the soft sea breeze, the boundless sea, everything looks so kind, natural, magnificent, harmonious, in the sea and the sky, walking between the heaven and the earth, in an instant. It made everyone forget the troubles of work and the pressure of life. Everyone seems to have gone back to their childhood, unscrupulously playing in the water, building sand sculptures, digging pits, you push me, I push you, and the clear and hearty laughter resounds through the clouds. When I get tired, I lie down on the beach and take a nap. There are a few friends who are good at funny lurking around quietly, “Three, two, one”With an order, fine sand poured down from all directions, and the whole person was instantly “buried”. After finally crawling out, I didn’t know who it was, but just slapped a piece of mud on the face, and the embarrassed look was invincible, and everyone was laughing back and forth. At this time, I don’t know who shouted again, “Everyone throw him into the sea!” I suddenly felt a sense of oppression, and several male colleagues began to cooperate. Another sea bath. . .

Game time passed quickly, the sun was setting in the west, and it was time for us to pack our bags and head to our next stop.

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A long trip is the company’s reward to everyone for completing the tasks of the September Purchasing Festival. Let go of the pressure, let go of yourself, and make our collective more united and positive in the game time and time again. Travel freely, watch the scenery, put down your burden, pick up hope, look into the distance, and embrace the world. May we all be so young and happy forever! ! !

Post time: Oct-12-2022